First Day

First Day at Norwich Choi Kwang Do
Everybody has to start somewhere and the first day of anything new is a big step but we aim to try and make that day as easy as possible, We always welcome new students be it adults or children and you are welcome to turn up at any of our training sessions, we realise that it is a big step and we welcome people who wish to watch and see what we do first as well as those that wish to dive straight in. The great news is our first training session is always free so you can try it out without it costing you a penny so there is no reason not to give it a try.
So you have made your mind up and today is the day that you are going to start training in Choi Kwang Do, congratulations you are about to change your life, for the first day we suggest loose-fitting clothes, no low-cut blouses for the ladies please, avoid jewellery, especially hooped earrings, necklaces and watches and bracelets, we also recommend that you bring yourself a bottle of water to rehydrate yourself during training.
For the first day, we suggest you turn up at least 10 minutes before a session starts to allow for introductions and speak to any of the instructors on duty who will welcome you and advise what you need to do. to start you will join the main class for instructor-led warm-ups, which take up to 15 minutes to allow your muscles to warm up and light yoga-based stretching to help flexibility and agility. after this, you will be paired up with an instructor who will run through everything you would learn to grade for your first belt, feel free to ask your instructor any questions relating to your training.
Once you have completed your first session, you will be shown a range of blocks, punches and kicks that can be used in self-defence. unfortunately being able to defend yourself isn’t as easy as learning a few moves, if you are being threatened or being attacked you don’t have the time to think about what moves you should use, therefore reflexes and speed are what will save you and to train those involve constant training. At Norwich Choi Kwang Do we won’t tie you to costly contracts ensuring you attend every session we understand that life doesn’t work that way so we are happy to accommodate those who can only train occasionally but the more sessions you attend the more benefit you will receive from your training.
The instructor will cover some if not all of the following on your first day
A range of blocks
A range of punches
A range of kicks
Defence Drill (non-contact training for awareness of attacker and moving around while maintaining a good stance)
White Belt Pattern (a combination of block and punch in the air to stimulate the mind and act automatically)
Shield attack (a chance to try out the new things you have learned safely)
After this, the class will cool down together and the instructors will dismiss the class.